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n (context|anatomy|now|_|rare) A central vein or nerve, especially the median vein or median nerve running through the forearm and arm. (defdate|from 15th c.)
n (statistics) The quantity or value at the midpoint of a set of values, such that the variable is equally likely to fall above or below it; the middle value of a discrete series arranged in magnitude (or the mean of the middle two terms when there is an even number of terms). (defdate|from 19th c.)
n (US) The median strip; the area separating two lanes of opposite-direction traffic. (defdate|from 20th c.)
a (anatomy|botany) In the middle of an organ, structure etc.; towards the median plane of an organ or limb. (defdate|from 16th c.)
a (statistics) Having the median as its value. (defdate|from 19th c.)