FinnHun Finnish-Hungarian-English on-line dictionary and thesaurus



I want to learn some hungarian, because i got to know some friends from hungary. That's why i like to have some contacts to hungarian speaking people also in finnland. If you're intrested let me know here, and i'll give you my email. I'm able to speak finnish, english and german, my hungarian is still in progress smile
I'm 22 years and studying at the moment in Lahti in Finland.

greets; Noora
I must think about your questions because I am just a physicist not a linguist, but meanwhile there are some remark:

to stop: áll e.g. Stop! -> Állj!
Here 'áll' is not a state.

What Cililii says is that meg+verb in past tens can be translated with present (or past) perfect. I think her example verbs are wrong because these words are not base form of verbs. For example megértet, megkedveltet, megszólaltat (verb+tat/tet) are causative forms.

Thanks for your kindness but my English is not so good, just I have a dictionary and I use two online dictionary also ( and
19 years
Hi Uly

You should think a bit more in Hungarian to understand that in a sort of way áll is connected to megáll. The preffix "meg" is often (but not solely) used to express that something is done:

Megírtam a levelet. -> A levél meg van írva.
Megtanultam a dalt. -> Tudom a dalt.
Megnéztem a filmet. -> Láttam a filmet.
Megszerettelek. -> Most már szeretlek.
Megérett a gyümölcs. -> A gyümölcs érett. (=már nem éretlen)
Megállt -> Most áll.

Still there are verbs which dont exist without meg:
megállapodik, megelégel, megértet, megkedveltet, megmakacsolja magát, megszólal, megszólaltat, megneszel, megorront, etc.

19 years
Thanks again for your response, Imre. What I meant by verb which exist solely with meg is more related to meanings: for instance:

to make: tesz, megtesz
to insult: sért, megsért
to stop: - , megáll

The sense of 'stop' is only interpretable through the form 'megáll' and not 'áll'. So it seems that there are multiple uses for meg. One is to show that an action has an end, and apparently another is to intensify a basic action. For example, 'stand' is basically a state - when one is standing there is really no action involved. However meg relates to the beginning of this action - one is walking (for instance) and enters a state when he is stopped. I would be curious to know how many more uses there are for meges igék. One person in another forum told me that meg is sometimes used to show that an expected action was indeed completed. For example, the normal aspecuatlizer for ír is le - leírta a nevét. However, the statement A tanár megírta a levelet indicates that the teacher was expected to write the letter and did so as expected. Let me know if I'm oversimplifying this. I want to understand. If this is a common use of meg, can it be used with any process verb (that is a verb which involves a beginning and an end, unlike a stative verb like 'stand' which is just a state).
Imre, your English is excellent by the way.
19 years
I think there is no verb which exist only with 'meg'. 'Sért' is a common verb, I don't know why you don't find it in the dictionary. It means hurt, affront, offend, wound, jar, violate, interfere etc. It is true that verb prefix changes meaning of verb completely. I think because of it Hungarian is so very difficult.

'Acsarkodik' is very similar to 'fenekedik' which means bear sy a grudge, plot against sy. This verb may come from the word 'agyar' (fang). Originally two dogs (who don't like each other) acsarkodik.
19 years
I don't know Finnish, but I know the longest word in Finnish - any guesses?
19 years
Én is itt vagyoksmile Most kezdtem finnül tanulni, és ez volt az egyetlen szótár, amit találtam. Mellesleg tök jó.
19 years
Thank you Imre for the explanation. It's beginning to make sense. Are there some words that only exist with meg? I ran across the word megsért, but not sért. Also I notice that áll stand, changes meaning completely with meg, and means stop.

Another observation: I found acsarkodik, but it was not in the dictionary. Also páne could not be found. What do these words mean and how do you use them?

19 years
I live in Romania but I'm hungarian.I want to learn finnish but I'm totally bigginer.If somebody has patience and mood can teach me finnish!
this is my

Puszi for everyone!
19 years
We don't say "megnincs". It is correctly: "nincs meg" which is the negative of the "megvan".
19 years
Zsuzsi levelt ír. Zsuzsi writes a letter. or Zsuzsi is writing a letter.
Zsuzsi megírja a levelet. Zszuszi is writeing a letter, and this action will be completed.

"megvan" means a lot of things. Some examples (from a dictionary):
Ez a könyv megvan nekem. I have this book.
Megvan mindene. (S)he has got everything.
Megvan az a jó tulajdonsága, hogy ... It is one of her good qualities that ...
Egy óra alatt megvan. It will be done/finished/ready in an hour.
Most megvan a baj. Now I/you/(s)he/we/they am/are/is in trouble.
Megvan nélküle. He can do without her.
Hogy vagy? Megvagyok. How are you? I'm all right.
Jól mevannak egymással. They get on well together.
Megvan! Here it is! There goes!
Hányszor van meg 2 a 4-ben? How many times does 2 to 4?
19 years
I have been studying Hungarian for about a year and have gotten to the point that I can read through a book pretty comfortably without much help from a dictionary. However I'm confused about one thing - namely the use of the prefix meg-. I have noticed in the dictionary that there will be a bare form such as ír with the meaning 'write', and also the form megír with the same meaning. I've even seen the forms van and megvan. What's next - megnincs??!!
Please explain.
19 years
sounds nice! Write me then:
19 years
szia noora
I'm a hungarian girl, but I live in romania, and I'm studying hungarian literature and suomi kielia.if u want then i would like to help u to learn finnish is also in progresssmile and i speak also english, german and hei
19 years
I'm not live in Finland, I live in Budapest, Hungary; but I would be very happy, if I had a penfriend in Finland. I like Finland very much. I can help you in your hungarian. My name is Alice and I'm 18 years old. If you interested, you can send me an e-mail to :
20 years

I want to learn some hungarian, because i got to know some friends from hungary. That's why i like to have some contacts to hungarian speaking people also in finnland. If you're intrested let me know here, and i'll give you my email. I'm able to speak finnish, english and german, my hungarian is still in progress smile
I'm 22 years and studying at the moment in Lahti in Finland.

greets; Noora
20 years
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