FinnHun Finnish-Hungarian-English on-line dictionary and thesaurus

Greetings from England.

I'm English but I lived in Hungary as a child. I'm trying to revive my Hungarian language skills. I'm can understand written hungarian up to a point. I have a reasonable vocabulary, but have difficulty comprehending the spoken language. As I now think exclusively in English it is difficult for me to speak Hungarian. I guess I lack confidence.

Write to me in Hungarian, and I'll reply.

Would be willing to help Hungarians with their English skills.

So please e-mail me.

Gyorsabb és sikeresebb lenne a kapcsolatfelvétel, a "villámlevél" által jelzett e-mail címre írt levél segítségével. Azt mégiscsak gyakrabban szokás olvasni.
19 years


Ha aktuális még a 05. 04. 15-én írt levele, a magyar nyelv gyakorlásról, akkor legyen szíves informáljon erről, a e-mail címen. Én az angol nyelvet szeretném gyakorolni.

Tisztelettel: Szűcs Gergely
19 years

I think it's work. I can help You.. és te viszont.
Szóval tudunk egymásnak segíteni. Igaz bennem éppen a finnmánia ébredt fel, ezért is találtam rá erre a honlapra...

itt is megadom az emilcímemet:

minden jót!

én Walton-on-Thamesben éltem 7-8 hónapig, ott ragadt rám az angolból egy kicsi.

19 years
I'm English but I lived in Hungary as a child. I'm trying to revive my Hungarian language skills. I'm can understand written hungarian up to a point. I have a reasonable vocabulary, but have difficulty comprehending the spoken language. As I now think exclusively in English it is difficult for me to speak Hungarian. I guess I lack confidence.

Write to me in Hungarian, and I'll reply.

Would be willing to help Hungarians with their English skills.

So please e-mail me.
19 years
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