FinnHun Finnish-Hungarian-English on-line dictionary and thesaurus

Finnish / Hungarian

Hi! I came to this forum looking for native speakers of Finnish and Hungarian to help with my project. Two birds with one stone! It so happens that Finnish and Hungarian are two of the European national languages that I am lacking. (The others are Slovene and Slovak.)

I am developing a free online vocabulary memorization project. We have all Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Tagalog, and most European languages.

To find out what you need to do, and what you will get in return, click on your flag. To play around with the system, click on the English flag (or the flag of some other language you already speak) and try clearing Level 1 of some language you don't yet know.

It would be great if I could get Finnish and Hungarian. Both languages are supported by Google Adsense.


Hi! I came to this forum looking for native speakers of Finnish and Hungarian to help with my project. Two birds with one stone! It so happens that Finnish and Hungarian are two of the European national languages that I am lacking. (The others are Slovene and Slovak.)

I am developing a free online vocabulary memorization project. We have all Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Tagalog, and most European languages.

To find out what you need to do, and what you will get in return, click on your flag. To play around with the system, click on the English flag (or the flag of some other language you already speak) and try clearing Level 1 of some language you don't yet know.

It would be great if I could get Finnish and Hungarian. Both languages are supported by Google Adsense.

18 years
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