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Translation request

Hi, can someone please translate the following sentence for me?

keskiviikkona Oulaisiin ja siitä viikon päästä Manchesteriin, jee.

The best i've made of it is "wedneday go ahead to manchester, oh yeah" which doesnt make a lot of sense.

Does it mean "I'm going to Manchester on wednesday"?

Thank you smile
to Oulainen on wednesday and after a week to Manchester, yee.

that's quite good translation. =)
not 100% literal, but literal translation would sound like idiot.
14 years
Hi, can someone please translate the following sentence for me?

keskiviikkona Oulaisiin ja siitä viikon päästä Manchesteriin, jee.

The best i've made of it is "wedneday go ahead to manchester, oh yeah" which doesnt make a lot of sense.

Does it mean "I'm going to Manchester on wednesday"?

Thank you smile
15 years
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