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Welsh []


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Walesi Lähde: Microsoft-kääntäjä []

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Wikisanakirja (9)

a (context|now|_|historical) (Native) British; pertaining to the Celtic peoples who inhabited much of Britain before the Roman occupation. (defdate|from 5th c.)
a Of or pertaining to Wales. (defdate|from 11th c.)
a Of or pertaining to the Celtic language of Wales. (defdate|from 16th c.)
a Designating plants or animals from or associated with Wales. (See Derived terms.) (defdate|from 17th c.)
pn The Welsh language. (defdate|from 10th c.)
pn (context|collectively) The people of Wales. (defdate|from 11th c.)
pn (surname|from=Middle English|dot=) for someone who was a Welshman or a Celt.