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v (intransitive) To enter into the conjugal or connubial state; to take a husband or a wife. (defdate|from 14th c.)
v (transitive|in passive) To be joined (term|to) (someone) as spouse according to law or custom. (defdate|from 14th c.)
v (transitive) To dispose of in wedlock; to give away as wife or husband. (defdate|from 14th c.)
v (transitive) To take for husband or wife. (defdate|from 15th c.)
v (transitive) Figuratively, to unite in the closest and most endearing relation. (defdate|from 15th c.)
v (transitive) To unite in wedlock or matrimony; to perform the ceremony of joining spouses, ostensibly for life; to constitute a marital union according to the laws or customs of the place. (defdate|from 16th c.)