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similar words in finnish and hungarian?

Hi all,

I would be interested to collect all the similar words in the finnish and hungarian (I mean those, which are almost possible to understand in the both languages) Any ideas?

for example do you understand this?


and is there more?
Good work!
But what is 'eme'? It doesn't mean mother. And anything like mother.
A Hungarian guy
19 vuosi
Hey all!
A while ago I took my time to go through the Bárczi-Benkő "The History of the Hungarian Language" (A magyar nyelv története) and collect the words of the same origin.

(Please note that in order to demonstrate the similarity I gave the radix of declination of some words; these are followed by a dash.)

Finnish radix: English (Hungarian radix)

kive-: stone (köve-)
vete-: water (vize-) emä: mother (eme)
poika: boy (fiú) miniä: bride (meny)
säppe: bile (epe) kunta: village (hada-)
puu: tree (fá-) ikä: year (év)
syksy: autumn (õsz) talvi: winter (tele-)
tyve-: root (töve-) jurtta: tent (jurta)
ala: bottom (al) pää: head (fõ)
pato: pot (fazék) lintu: bird (lúd)
voj: butter (vaj) käte-: hand (keze-)
silmä: eye (szem) nime-: name (neve-)
vävy: son-in-law (võ) kala: fish (hala-)
repo: fox (róka) joe-: river (jó)
kuu: moon (hó) piele-: ear (füle-)
poro: dirt (por) sarve-: horn (szarva-)
syle-: lap (öle-) hiire-: mouse (egere-)
veri: blood (vér) kota: house (ház)

me: we (mi) te: you (ti)
mitä: what (mit) kulla: where (hol)
pälle: upwards (fel)

elä-: live (él) anta-: give (ad)
tunte-: feel (tud) mene-: go (men-)
tunke-: stuff (dug) ole-: be (val-)
on: it is (van)

yhte-: one (egye-) kahte-: two (kettõ)
kolme: three (hárma-) nelja: four (negye-)
viite-: five (öt) kuute-: six (hat)
sata: hundred (száz)
19 vuosi
i don't speak any finnish, im just interested in finno-ugorism. and my english is also not the best, so i can make mistakes... well, the word ÁRVA does mean lonely in hungarian, but not only like this simple... i dont know that word... a child who has no parents. but it do mean lonely to.
the finno-ugrin connections were a lot of centuries ago sice the nations live far from each other, and the languange has changed trough the years. eg the hungarian language has many similarities to turkish lang too, but the basic words are point to the finnish connections.
What do you think of the connnections of these languages? where do you come from?

19 vuosi

Does árva mean lonely in hungarian?
In that sentence the english version is lonely, but finnish word orpo (orvon is genetive) means orphan...

I've red that finnish and hungarian roots are somewhere eastern Russia and those diffenrent nations departed long ago and belong now to finno-ugric-family where departed in finnic-baltic family (finnish, estonian, carelic etc) and ugric-family (hungarian etc..)language families.

When nations went more far from each other they of course took influences from different languages and ways of lifestyle (all the landscapes and ways of agriculture and nature and so on are diffenrent in north and southern, so it forms also language). I dont' know about hungarian but finnish is influenced by swedish and russian and german and so on.

.. But oldest words and structures remained similar

19 vuosi
Hi everyone!
I've just read some interesting book about the Hungarian origin that can be dated thousand years ago in Kárpát-medence, says the author. He supposes that most of these words (that we both have and use) were taken from Old Hungarian-Hun (Hunnish?) like käsi-kéz-kezi or veri-vér-veri. (I don't know if there's any connection but "sor" is "sarja" in Finnish and "sár" in Armenian with whom Huns and other steppe people lived together for quite a while.) I don't say it proves anything at all, maybe it is some kind of supposition, but it's worth to think over that it's not always the Hungarians who get or take things that an other nation "let" them (us).
19 vuosi
MOI everybody!!
i looked up finnugorism in WIkipedia, and i've found THIS, what is interesting for this topic, i think.
Magyar Észt Mordvin
(erza mordvin) Komi
(permják dialekt) Finnish
mi meie, me минь min ми mi me
ti teie, te тынь tün ти ti te
ki? kes? кие? kie? коді? kodi? Kuka?
mi? mis? мезе? meze? мый? müj? Mitä?
kettő kaks кавто kavto кык kük kaksi
négy neli ниле nile нёль nöl neljä
vér veri верь ver вир vir veri
szem silm сельме szelme син szin silmä
kéz käsi кедь ked ки ki Käsi
szív süda седей szedej сьöлöм szölöm sydän
víz vesi ведь ved ва va vesi

Jään alla talvella elävät kalat uiskentelevat.
Jég alatt télen eleven halak úszkálnak.
under the ice, fish swim alive.
Kivistä verinen oli vävyn käsi.
Kövektől véres volt veje keze.
his son-in-law's hand was bloody from the stones.
Orvon silmä kyyneliä täynnä.
Árva szeme könnyel tele.
his/her lonely eyes are full of tears.
Kuka meni meidän edessämme?
Ki ment mielőttünk?
who have gone in front of us?
Miniäni antoi voita.
Menyem adott vajat.
my daughter in law gave butter.

and your last message: you're right, thanks!!

19 vuosi

You must mean finnnish words JÄLKI which means mark or like footprint JALANJÄLKI (handprint KÄDENJÄLKI smile ) and KATTILA =kettle or pan (if you mean the thing you're cooking with?).

Also one I heard on this page: "a hal úszkal a víz alatt" KALA UISKENTELEE VEDEN ALLA.
I also read here friend or buddy = KAVERI "haver"
Or is it?
19 vuosi
I've found two more:
JEL-JÄLÄ(jel-sign, jälä-footprint, but the meanings I think are similar a bit.)
and KATLAN-KATILLA,and I don't know the English word for it. if anybody can help me, the please.
19 vuosi
my hungarian grammar book says this about the finno-ugrian words:
"The linguistic firstly compares the simple words. it compares the oldest words, the ones that had been used when the two nations had lived together. eg. relationship, numbers, body parts, nature and some tools. not only the similarity of these what is important. the same sate of some letters always changes to the same way. eg. the first letter of a word in Hungarian letter "H" ocassionaly have in Finnish the letter "K" like: három-kolme(three), hal-kala(fish), ház-kota(house), had-kunta(army)...

finno-ugrian words in hungarian: around 1000
that is 20% of all
they with put together with other words became the 75% of used.
the linguistic affiny also consists the grammatic similarities. the hungarian grammar similar to the other finno-ugrian languages in the basic conjugations, the "genitive case", and both takes noun and adjective conjugations instead of prepositions."

i found this for here, i think it's a very food idea, to collect these kind of words.
i hope you understand the article.
19 vuosi
I put together all the similar words that we've got so far.

Words denominating relations:

meny - miniä - daughter-in-law

Body parts:

käsi - kéz - hand
maksa - máj - liver
silmä - szem - eye
ydin - velő - marrow

Basic actions:

elää - él - live
mennä - megy - go

Other similar words:

elämä - élet - life
joki - folyó - river
jää - jég - ice
kala - hal - fish
kivi - kő - stone
veri - vér - blood
vesi - víz - water
voi - vaj - butter

Not related, but similar words:

kranaatti - gránát - grenade
torni - torony - tower
19 vuosi

The kő - kivi (stone) relation may not be obvious at first sight, but these are related, just think of the hungarian conjugation on kő-köves, the "v" disappears in the first form.

The following ones are related too: jää, veri, vesi, joki (folyó, river), kala, voi, mennä.

Basically here is a list of major groups of words that survived from the finno-ugrian basic vocab:
-words denominating relations (meny-miniä)
-body parts (máj-maksa, velő-ydin (our techer explained through which soundchanges, but i should look it up in my notes, silmä-szem, käsi-kéz, and a lot more)
-basic actions (elää-él, mennä-megy)

Hmm... after i finish my finnish vocab building for today, i'll look for my notes and expand this list smile
19 vuosi
jää - jég (probably)
kivi - kő (maybe)
19 vuosi
Hungarians would understand these:

käsikranaatti - kézigránát
käsi - kéz
vesi - víz
mennä - menni
elää - él (probably)
elämä - élet (probably)
kala - hal (maybe)

But these they wouldn't:


Some more similar words which came to my mind are:

voi - vaj
veri - vér

Also these, but these are similar to English too:

ruoste - rozsda - rust
torni - torony - tower

There must be many more. It would be interesting to make a complete list of similar words of Hungarian and Finnish.
19 vuosi
Hi all,

I would be interested to collect all the similar words in the finnish and hungarian (I mean those, which are almost possible to understand in the both languages) Any ideas?

for example do you understand this?


and is there more?
19 vuosi
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