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Hungarian food recipes/ unkarilaisia ruokareseptejä


I would like to have some good/traditional hungarian recipes because it would be interesting to try them. Specially I would be interested to try making meat dishes or how is paprika used in hungarian kitchen. Please if you're interested to share some recipes put them in english, finnish or german. My hungarian isn't that good...
thanks in


Olisin kiinnostunut kokeilemaan erilaisia hyviä/perinteisiä unkarilaisia ruokia. Erityisesti kiinnostavat liharuoat ja miten paprikaa käytetään unkarilaisessa keittiössä.
Jos sinulta löytyy reseptejä jaettavaksi olisin kiitollinen. En kuitenkaan osaa kovin hyvin unkaria, joten reseptin pitäisi olla englanniksi, suomeksi, saksaksi (ruotsikin käy smile )

Hi, I'm hungarian and I saw, you requested some description about hungarian food, receipts and so on smile As I saw nobody answered so I tought I'll be nice and write for yousmile I donno are you still interested or not, so let me know that. But I think the easiest way to get something to know about it is to visit the librarysmile I'm living in Finland, and my wife is finnish, she found a pretty good book about hungarian food and it was in finnish for finns! In advance it was brilliant cause it described the process of foodmaking with finnish ingredients. The food taste was pritty close and I think that is the best way, because in Finland it is very hard (in my opinion) to get all the right ingredients!
For some school project My wife and other's in her group wrote an essay about hungarian food, I think I can send it for you if you want so, just wrire a mail for me: Best wishes! Miklós
17 vuosi

I would like to have some good/traditional hungarian recipes because it would be interesting to try them. Specially I would be interested to try making meat dishes or how is paprika used in hungarian kitchen. Please if you're interested to share some recipes put them in english, finnish or german. My hungarian isn't that good...
thanks in


Olisin kiinnostunut kokeilemaan erilaisia hyviä/perinteisiä unkarilaisia ruokia. Erityisesti kiinnostavat liharuoat ja miten paprikaa käytetään unkarilaisessa keittiössä.
Jos sinulta löytyy reseptejä jaettavaksi olisin kiitollinen. En kuitenkaan osaa kovin hyvin unkaria, joten reseptin pitäisi olla englanniksi, suomeksi, saksaksi (ruotsikin käy smile )

18 vuosi
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