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Wiktionary (13)

n A similar device used to ignite an explosive or launch a rocket, etc.
n (US) Any small firecracker sold to the general public. Usually available in special clusters designed to explode in series after a single master fuze is lit.
n (automotive) The heating element used to set off the sodium azide pellets in a vehicle's airbag.
n (legal) In a legal casebook, a short summary of a legal action placed between more extensively quoted cases.
n (linguistics) A short article, often published in journals, that introduces empirical data problematic to linguistic theory or discusses an overlooked theoretical problem. In contrast to a typical linguistic article, a squib need not answer the questions that it poses.
n (slang) A sketched concept or visual solution, usually very quick and not too detailed. A word most commonly used within the Graphic Design industry.
v To make a sound such as a small explosion.
v (rfv-sense) (slang) To draw a concept or layout to visually explain an idea ("let me squib something to show you what I mean").