FinnHun Finnish-Hungarian-English on-line dictionary and thesaurus


bale []


English (1)

Bale Source: MS Translator []

Hungarian (1)

Bála Source: MS Translator []

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Wiktionary (11)

n evil | Evil, especially considered as an active force for destruction or death.
n (archaic) A funeral pyre.
n A rounded bundle or package of goods in a cloth cover, and corded for storage or transportation.
n A bundle of compressed wool or hay, compacted for shipping and handling.
n A measurement of hay equal to 10 flakes. Approximately 70-90 lbs (32-41 kg).
n A measurement of paper equal to 10 reams.
v (transitive) To wrap into a bale.
v (British|nautical) To remove water from a boat with buckets etc.