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must []


English (1)

must Source: MS Translator []

Hungarian (1)

kell Source: MS Translator []

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v (context|modal|_|auxiliary|defective) to do with certainty; (non-gloss definition|indicates that the speaker is certain that the subject will have executed the predicate)
v (context|modal|_|auxiliary|defective) to do as a requirement; (non-gloss definition|indicates that the sentence subject is required as an imperative or directive to execute the sentence predicate, with failure to do so resulting in a negative consequence)
n Something that exhibits the property of being stale or musty
n Fruit juice that will ferment or has fermented, usually grapes
v (transitive) To make musty.
v (intransitive) To become musty.
n A time during which male elephants exhibit increased levels of sexual activity and aggressiveness (also musth)
n #English | must (sweet fresh grape juice that has not fermented yet)