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n Term of endearment (probably related to puck). (defdate|from the 16th c)
n A bargeman. (defdate|from the 16th c)
n A harlot. (defdate|circa 1600)
n A small dog of an ancient breed originating in China, having a snub nose, wrinkled face, squarish body, short smooth hair, and curled tail. (defdate|from the 18th c)
n An upper servant in a great house. (defdate|from the 19th c)
n The footprint of an animal. (Also pugmark) (From the Hindi for 'foot', related to Sanskrit 'padh' and Greek 'ped')
n Any compressed clay-like material mixed and worked into a soft, plastic condition for making bricks, pottery or for paving. (Also pug soil)
n (obsolete|slang) A nickname for a pugilist or boxer.