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abandoned []


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v (past of|abandon)
a self | Self-abandoned, or given up to vice; immoral; extremely wicked, or sinning without restraint; irreclaimably wicked ; as, an abandoned villain. (defdate|First attested from 1350 to 1470)(reference-book | last =| first = | authorlink = | coauthors = | editor =Brown, Lesley | others = | title = The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary | origdate = | origyear = 1933| origmonth = | url = | format = | accessdate = | accessyear = | accessmonth = | edition = 5th | date = | year =2003| month = | publisher =Oxford University Press | location =Oxford, UK | language = | id = | doi = | isbn =978-0-19-860575-7 | lccn = | ol = | pages =2| chapter = | chapterurl = | quote =)
a No longer maintained by its former owners, residents(,) or caretakers; forsaken, deserted. (defdate|Late 15th century.)
a Free from constraint; uninhibited. (defdate|Late 17th century.)
a (context|geology) No longer being acted upon by the geologic forces that formed it.