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cure []


unkari (4)

suomi (4)

Lisää tuloksia

Wikisanakirja (17)

n A process of preservation, as by smoking.
n A process of solidification or gelling.
n (obsolete) Care, heed, or attention.
n Spiritual charge; care of soul; the office of a parish priest or of a curate;
n That which is committed to the charge of a parish priest or of a curate; a curacy.
v (transitive) To restore to health.
v (transitive) To bring (a disease or its bad effects) to an end.
v (transitive) To cause to be rid of (a defect).
v (transitive) To prepare or alter especially by chemical or physical processing for keeping or use.
v (intransitive) To bring about a cure |cure of any kind.
v (intransitive) To be undergoing a chemical or physical process for preservation or use.
v (intransitive) To solidify or gel.
v (obsolete|intransitive) To become healed.
v (obsolete) To pay heed; to care; to give attention.