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unkari (2)

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Wikisanakirja (11)

n (countable) An item of clothing (usually worn by a woman or young girl) which covers the upper part of the body as well as below the waist.
v (obsolete|reflexive|intransitive) To prepare oneself; to make ready. (defdate|14th-16th c.)
v (transitive) To treat (a wound, or wounded person). (defdate|from 15th c.)
v (transitive) To prepare (food) for cooking, especially by seasoning it. (defdate|from 15th c.)
v (transitive) To fit out with the necessary clothing; to clothe, put clothes on (something or somebody). (defdate|from 15th c.)
v (intransitive) To clothe oneself; to put on clothes. (defdate|from 18th c.)
v (intransitive) Of a man, to allow the genitals to fall to one side or other of the trousers. (defdate|from 20th c.)
v (transitive) To prepare the surface of (a material; usually stone or lumber).