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  • Askelpalautin
  • Tyhjennä
hem []


unkari (8)

suomi (2)

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Wikisanakirja (9)

! Used to fill in the gap of a pause with a vocalized sound.
n (sewing) The border of an article of clothing doubled back and stitched together to finish the edge and prevent it from fraying.
n A rim or margin of something.
n In sheet metal design, a rim or edge folded back on itself to create a smooth edge and to increase strength or rigidity.
v (intransitive) (qualifier|in sewing) To make a hem.
v (intransitive) (qualifier|in speaking) To make a sound like hem (usually coupled with "haw" as in "hem and haw | hemmed and hawed.")
v (transitive): To put hem on an article of clothing, to edge or put a border on something.
v (transitive): To surround something or someone in a confine | confining way.
r (obsolete form of|'em)