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Wikisanakirja (17)

n A sweet mixture of fruit boiled with sugar and allowed to congeal. Often spread on bread or toast or used in jam tarts.
n (countable) A difficult situation.
n (countable) (context|popular|_|music) An informal, impromptu performance or rehearsal.
n (countable) (baseball) A difficult situation for a pitcher or defending team.
n (countable) (basketball) A forceful dunk.
n (countable) (roller derby) A play during which points can be scored.
n (countable) Any of several rock-climbing maneuvers requiring wedging of an extremity into a tight space.
v To get something stuck in a confined space.
v To brusquely force something into a space; cram, squeeze.
v (music) To play music (especially improvisation as a group.)
v To injure a finger or toe by sudden compression of the digit's tip.
v (roller derby) To attempt to score points.