FinnHun suomi-unkari-englanti online-sanakirja ja synonyymikirja



  • á
  • é
  • í
  • ó
  • ö
  • ő
  • ú
  • ü
  • ű
  • ä
  • ö
  • Askelpalautin
  • Tyhjennä
own []


unkari (6)

suomi (3)

v oma [ˈoma]


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Wikisanakirja (15)

v To claim as one's own; to answer to.
v (transitive) To defeat or embarrass; to overwhelm.
v (transitive) To virtually or figuratively enslave.
v (gaming|slang) To defeat, dominate, or be above, also spelled pwn.
v (transitive|computing|slang) To illicitly obtain "super-user" or "root" access into a computer system thereby having access to all of the user files on that system; pwn.
v (intransitive) To acknowledge or admit the possession or ownership of. (Ref 3)
v (intransitive|UK|_|dialectal) To confess.