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send sy a kiss::n taivotuksen

[sˈɛnd sˈɪ ɐ kˈɪs] v

Predicative personal forms

  Yksikön ensimmäinen persoona Yksikön toinen persoona Yksikön kolmas persoona Monikon ensimmäinen persoona Monikon toinen persoona Monikon kolmas persoona
Simple present send sy a kiss send sy a kiss sends sy a kiss send sy a kiss send sy a kiss send sy a kiss
Present continuous am sending sy a kiss are sending sy a kiss is sending sy a kiss are sending sy a kiss are sending sy a kiss are sending sy a kiss
Simple past sent sy a kiss sent sy a kiss sent sy a kiss sent sy a kiss sent sy a kiss sent sy a kiss
Simple past was sending sy a kiss were sending sy a kiss was sending sy a kiss were sending sy a kiss were sending sy a kiss were sending sy a kiss
Simple future will send sy a kiss will send sy a kiss will send sy a kiss will send sy a kiss will send sy a kiss will send sy a kiss
Future continuous will be sending sy a kiss will be sending sy a kiss will be sending sy a kiss will be sending sy a kiss will be sending sy a kiss will be sending sy a kiss
Present perfect have sent sy a kiss have sent sy a kiss has sent sy a kiss have sent sy a kiss have sent sy a kiss have sent sy a kiss
Present perfect continuous have been sending sy a kiss have been sending sy a kiss has been sending sy a kiss have been sending sy a kiss have been sending sy a kiss have been sending sy a kiss
Present continuous am sending sy a kiss are sending sy a kiss is sending sy a kiss are sending sy a kiss are sending sy a kiss are sending sy a kiss
Past perfect had sent sy a kiss had sent sy a kiss had sent sy a kiss had sent sy a kiss had sent sy a kiss had sent sy a kiss
Past perfect continuous had been sending sy a kiss had been sending sy a kiss had been sending sy a kiss had been sending sy a kiss had been sending sy a kiss had been sending sy a kiss
Future perfect will have sent sy a kiss will have sent sy a kiss will have sent sy a kiss will have sent sy a kiss will have sent sy a kiss will have sent sy a kiss
Future perfect continuous will have been sending sy a kiss will have been sending sy a kiss will have been sending sy a kiss will have been sending sy a kiss will have been sending sy a kiss will have been sending sy a kiss

Negative personal forms

  Yksikön ensimmäinen persoona Yksikön toinen persoona Yksikön kolmas persoona Monikon ensimmäinen persoona Monikon toinen persoona Monikon kolmas persoona
Simple present don't send sy a kiss don't send sy a kiss doesn't send sy a kiss don't send sy a kiss don't send sy a kiss don't send sy a kiss
Present continuous am not sending sy a kiss are not sending sy a kiss is not sending sy a kiss are not sending sy a kiss are not sending sy a kiss are not sending sy a kiss
Simple past didn't send sy a kiss didn't send sy a kiss didn't send sy a kiss didn't send sy a kiss didn't send sy a kiss didn't send sy a kiss
Simple past was not sending sy a kiss were not sending sy a kiss was not sending sy a kiss were not sending sy a kiss were not sending sy a kiss were not sending sy a kiss
Simple future won't send sy a kiss won't send sy a kiss won't send sy a kiss won't send sy a kiss won't send sy a kiss won't send sy a kiss
Future continuous will not be sending sy a kiss will not be sending sy a kiss will not be sending sy a kiss will not be sending sy a kiss will not be sending sy a kiss will not be sending sy a kiss
Present perfect have not sent sy a kiss have not sent sy a kiss has not sent sy a kiss have not sent sy a kiss have not sent sy a kiss have not sent sy a kiss
Present perfect continuous have not been sending sy a kiss have not been sending sy a kiss has not been sending sy a kiss have not been sending sy a kiss have not been sending sy a kiss have not been sending sy a kiss
Present continuous am not sending sy a kiss are not sending sy a kiss is not sending sy a kiss are not sending sy a kiss are not sending sy a kiss are not sending sy a kiss
Past perfect had not sent sy a kiss had not sent sy a kiss had not sent sy a kiss had not sent sy a kiss had not sent sy a kiss had not sent sy a kiss
Past perfect continuous had not been sending sy a kiss had not been sending sy a kiss had not been sending sy a kiss had not been sending sy a kiss had not been sending sy a kiss had not been sending sy a kiss
Future perfect will have not sent sy a kiss will have not sent sy a kiss will have not sent sy a kiss will have not sent sy a kiss will have not sent sy a kiss will have not sent sy a kiss
Future perfect continuous will have not been sending sy a kiss will have not been sending sy a kiss will have not been sending sy a kiss will have not been sending sy a kiss will have not been sending sy a kiss will have not been sending sy a kiss