FinnHun suomi-unkari-englanti online-sanakirja ja synonyymikirja



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  • é
  • í
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  • ö
  • ő
  • ú
  • ü
  • ű
  • ä
  • ö
  • Askelpalautin
  • Tyhjennä
singular []


unkari (15)

suomi (0)


suomi (0)

Lisää tuloksia

Wikisanakirja (8)

a Being only one of a larger population.
a Being the only one of the kind; unique.
a Distinguished by superiority, coming across as such.
a Being out of the ordinary, coming across as such.
a (grammar) Referring to only one thing or person.
a (context|linear algebra|of matrix) Having no inverse.
a (context|linear algebra|of transformation) Having the property that the matrix of coefficients of the new variables has a determinant equal to zero.
n (grammar) A form of a word that refers to only one person or thing.