FinnHun suomi-unkari-englanti online-sanakirja ja synonyymikirja



  • á
  • é
  • í
  • ó
  • ö
  • ő
  • ú
  • ü
  • ű
  • ä
  • ö
  • Askelpalautin
  • Tyhjennä
type []


unkari (3)

suomi (2)

Lisää tuloksia

Wikisanakirja (13)

n A grouping based on shared characteristics; a class.
n An individual considered typical of its class.
n An individual that represents the ideal for its class; an embodiment.
n (biology) An individual considered representative of members of its taxonomic group.
n (computing theory) A tag attached to variables and values used in determining which kinds of value can be used in which situations; a data type.
v To enter text or commands into a computer using a keyboard.
v To determine the blood type of.
v To represent by a type, model, or symbol beforehand; to prefigure.