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bench []


magyar (25)

finn (3)

További találatok

Wiktionary (17)

n A long seat, for example, in the park.
n (context|legal|figuratively) The place where the judges sit.
n (sports) The place where players (substitutes) and coaches sit when not playing.
n A place where assembly or hand work is performed; a workbench.
n (context|surveying) A bracket used to mount land surveying equipment onto a stone or a wall.[ Description of bench, as part of the benchmark etymology]
n A flat ledge in the slope of an earthwork, work of masonry, or similar.
n (geology) A thin strip of relatively flat land bounded by steeper slopes above and below.
v (transitive|sports) To remove a player from play.
v (transitive|figuratively) To remove someone from a position of responsibility temporarily.
v (slang) To push the victim back on the person behind them who is on their hands and knees and end up falling over.
v (alternative spelling of|bentsh)