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breech []


magyar (4)

finn (0)

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Wiktionary (12)

n (context|historical|now only|_|in the plural) A garment whose purpose is to cover or clothe the buttocks. (defdate|from 11th c.)
n The part of a cannon or other firearm behind the chamber. (defdate|from 16th c.)
n (nautical) The external angle of knee timber, the inside of which is called the throat.
a With the hips coming out before the head.
a Born, or having been born, breech.
v (dated|transitive) To dress in breeches. (qualifier|especially) To dress a boy in breeches or trousers for the first time.
v (transitive) To fit or furnish with a breech.
v (poetic|transitive|obsolete) To cover as if with breeches.