FinnHun finn-magyar-angol internetes szótár és szókincstár



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  • Visszatörlés
  • Teljes törlés
build []


magyar (5)

finn (2)

További találatok

Wiktionary (9)

v (transitive) to form (something) by combining materials or parts
v (transitive) to develop or give form to (something) according to a plan or process
v (transitive) to increase or strengthen (something) by adding gradually to
v (transitive) to establish a basis for (something)
v (intransitive) to form by combining materials or parts
v (intransitive) to develop in magnitude or extent
n (computing) any of various versions of a software product as it is being developed for release to users
n (Internet slang) a structure, nominally an abbreviation of building (see usage notes below).