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fathom []


magyar (6)

182 [sˈaːzɲoltsvɑnkɛtːøː]
182,9 cm [sˈaːzɲoltsvɑnkɛtːøː ɛɡeːskilɛntstizɛd tsˈɛntimeːtɛr]
9 cm [kˈilɛnts tsˈɛntimeːtɛr]

finn (0)

További találatok

Wiktionary (6)

n (nautical) A measure of length corresponding to the outstretched arms, standardised to six feet, now used mainly for measuring depths in seas or oceans.
v (transitive|archaic) To encircle with outstretched arms, especially to take a measurement; to embrace.
v (transitive) To measure the depth of, take a sounding of.
v (transitive|figuratively) To get to the bottom of; to manage to comprehend (a problem etc.).