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logic []


magyar (3)

finn (1)


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További találatok


Wiktionary (10)

n (uncountable) A method of human thought that involves thinking in a linear, step-by-step manner about how a problem can be solved. Logic is the basis of many principles including the scientific method.
n (uncountable) (mathematics) The mathematical study of relationships between rigorously defined concepts and of proof of statements.
n (uncountable) Any system of thought, whether rigorous and productive or not, especially one associated with a particular person.
n (uncountable) The part of a system (usually electronic) that performs the boolean logic operations, short for logic gates or logic circuit.
v (intransitive|pejorative) To engage in excessive or inappropriate application of logic.
v (transitive) To apply logical reasoning to.
v (transitive) To overcome by logical argument.