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Wiktionary (11)

n A gun which fires loads consisting of small metal balls, called shot, from a cartridge.
n (slang) The front passenger seat in a vehicle, next to the driver; so called because the position of the shotgun-armed guard on a horse-drawn stage-coach, wagon train, or gold transport was next to the driver on a forward-mounted bench seat.
n (US) A one-story dwelling with no hallways or corridors, with the rooms arranged in a straight line. Mostly heard in the southern United States.
n (American football) A play formation in which the quarterback is a few feet behind the snapper when the ball is hiked, ideally allowing for an easier pass play.
v (slang|smoking) To inhale from a pipe or other smoking device, followed shortly by an exhalation into someone else’s mouth.
v (transitive|informal) To verbally lay claim to (something)
v (transitive|baseball) To hit the ball directly back at the pitcher.
v (US|slang) To rapidly drink a beverage from a can by making a hole in the bottom of the can, placing the hole above one's mouth, and opening the top.
a Of or relating to a shotgun.
a Occurring as a result of the threat of force.
a Utilizing numerous or highly diverse means to achieve a particular result.