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magyar (12)

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További találatok

Wiktionary (24)

n Something serving as an expression of something else; sign, symbol
n An extraordinary event serving as evidence of supernatural power, a miracle
n An object or disclosure to attest or authenticate the bearer or an instruction; a password
n A seal guaranteeing the quality of an item.
n Something given or shown as a symbol or guarantee of authority or right; a sign of authenticity, of power, good faith.
n (philosophy) A particular thing to which a concept applies.
n (grammar) A lexeme; a basic, grammatically indivisible unit of a language such as a keyword, operator or identifier.
n (medical) A characteristic sign of a disease or of a bodily disorder, a symptom; a sign of a bodily condition, recovery, or health.
n (medical) (obsolete) A livid spot upon the body, indicating, or supposed to indicate, the approach of death.
n (printing) Ten and a half quires, or, commonly, 250 sheets, of paper printed on both sides; also, in some cases, the same number of sheets printed on one side, or half the number printed on both sides.
n (mining) A bit of leather having a peculiar mark designating a particular miner. Each hewer sends one of these with each corf or tub he has hewn.
n (mining) A thin bed of coal indicating the existence of a thicker seam at no great distance.
a a minor attempt for appearance sake, or to minimally comply with a requirement