n Act or instance of hurrying (to or from a place) (qualifier|not necessarily by foot); dash or errand, trip.
n (Australia|New Zealand) Rural landholding for farming, usually for running sheep, and operated by a runholder.
n A sudden series of demands on a bank or other financial institution, especially characterised by great withdrawals.
n (nautical) The stern of the underwater body of a ship from where it begins to curve upward and inward.
v (intransitive) To move forward quickly upon two feet by alternately making a short jump off of either foot. (qualifier|Compare walk.)
v (intransitive) Of a machine, including computer programs, to be operate|operating or working normally.
v (intransitive) To leak or spread in an undesirable fashion , to bleed (especially used of dye or paint).
v (transitive|juggling|colloquial) To juggle a pattern continuously, as opposed to starting and stopping quickly.